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Marlborough Street Childcare Centre

Statement of Philosophy


Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Aotearoa has a unique cultural heritage. All children have the right to knowledge and understanding of this bi-cultural heritage. We honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We also acknowledge all other cultures in our community.

Te Whāriki

Our teachers have an important role in supporting, encouraging and extending children’s interest and learning, while following the early childhood curriculum, to ensure positive learning outcomes for all children.

Whānau Tangata

At our centre we provide an environment that is nurturing and respectful to ensure the wellbeing of the children, parents, teachers and whānau.


We work collaboratively with children, parents and whanau, communicating with openness, honesty and respect to create trusting reciprocal relationships and sense of belonging.


Within the centre environment we create a culture of teaching and learning to ensure children develop, learn and thrive in mind, body and spirit.

Mana Aotearoa

We foster an attitude of respect and care for the natural environment.


Children will leave the Marlborough Street Childcare Centre confident, competent and caring, having had their learning extended and enhanced, and with happy memories of their pre-school days.

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